Friday, March 27, 2015

SGC International Knoxville, Tennessee Day 2

         The second day of SGC in Knoxville was much more hectic we started the day with an expedition to find glassine for the member portfolio exchange. Below is an image of my submission. It's an intaglio etching with aquatint titled 'Worm Food'.

 On this expedition we stumbled upon Knoxvilles awesome art store called Jerry's Artarama. and also stopped for some smoothies for lunch. We were only lost for a few minutes!

Look at that paper selection! Three more towers of paper didn't even fit in the picture.

            Then it was off to sign in to the conference! On the first day there were a number of group portfolios up for exhibition as well as a talk from the keynote speaker Red Grooms. Which me and Su were lucky enough to see the first half of. Here are a few of my favorite prints from the first day of exhibitions.

Meredith Setser
Thanks for everything Frances!
mezzotint and etching

This was easily one of my favorite pieces from the conference. As I've been working in intaglio a lot recently it was a real inspiration to see such great technical skill. Especially in a medium as challenging as Intaglio.

Adam Leestma
Soon They'll Be Throwing Out Themselves
Linoleum Relief

I really liked how clean this linoleum cut was, and also Leestma's use of multiple panels really intrigued me.  The level of craftsmanship at SGC was definitely extremely impressive. 

After seeing Red Grooms' Talk we headed out to get some dinner with an old friend of Su's From UNT Ava. 
Then it was off to the Knoxville Museum of Art for the reception for their show 'Lift: Contemporary Printmaking in the Third Dimension'. We also had the opportunity to see all of there other current exhibitions which included a fantastic selection of contemporary works from many different artists.

 Then we went and ended the night with a little midnight snack on top of Knoxville's iconic Sunsphere, and it was off to bed with us!



  1. Erin, we ate first then went to Red Grooms! Haha! Anyway, you have some good shots of the sphere.

  2. It looks like you had fun. I like the travel documentary.

  3. Love it! FYI, Jerry's does a huge mail-order business:

  4. Really like your lay out for these look-back posts. Looks like it was a great time, despite the damn plane delays.

  5. I love all the photos, that looked like so much fun!!
