Sunday, April 12, 2015

SGC International Knoxville, Tennessee Day 3

          On our third day at SGC 

International the first thing we both 
went to was the keynote address by 
Hideki Kimura. In his talk Kimura 
talked about an exhibit he recently 
co-curated called "Redefinging the
 Multiple: Thirteen Japanese 
Printmakers" an exhibit currently 
touring the United States.

Then I went to a demo about how to create your own DIY exposure unit which was surprisingly simple. All you need is:

A piece of cardboard that is 4 inches larger on both sides than you want your exposure bed to be. (this is the piece that looks gray in the photo)

Then you need to adhere  piece of plywood that is 4 inches smaller on each side into the center of the cardboard

Next you cover the plywood in a large piece of a clear durable plastic material. This should be adhered to the cardboard on two sides to make a stable corner.

Then you get out some sort of air compressor that can create your vacuum seal. This should be carefully taped along the side of the cardboard with the tube just poaching underneath the plastic. make sure there is a tight seal. and your bed is completely finished.

Finaly simply use clamps 1x2's and some florescent light units. It was recommended to use units that contained two florescent lights and space them 6 inches apart to create an even exposure.
Su and I then spent all of our money at the product, publisher, and program fair. I picked up some new asian papers and a new wood carving set! There were also some interesting papers and prints on sale. The image above is of a few kinds of paper made from dried fruit and vegetables. Then it was off to openings, openings, and more openings.




            First we went to the Emporium Building which had a bunch of different exhibits on display including: '2015-2018 SCGI Members' Exhibition', 'Knoxville Collects Yee Haw', 'UTK Printmaking Faculty', and 'Frsctured Memories: Living with Violence in Mexico'. My personal favorite piece was this giant letterpress piece on the left Storetry No. 140, Lump Gravy Tuesday from the collection of Peggy Hambright.

Then it was of to UT Downtown Gallery with Ruth Weisburg's Time and Again

 Weisburg is best known for her impressive monotype prints, I was hopping to make it to her demo but wasn't able to make it

Then we went to the Pioneer House to see 'Pioneer Monsters, Tease it to Jesus: A Portfolio of Dolly Parton Prints' which was crazy packed! But I really enjoyed the format they decided to use which was squares the same size as record sleeves. 

Then there were a few stores selling prints that we went to but me and Su being hardcore went to bed shortly after.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing Erin! If I was there, I would spent all my money on PAPERS MADE FROM DRIED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES !!! They are so beautiful....I've never seen these kind of paper before!
    Do you know if those papers are eatable? OMG :)))
