Friday, May 8, 2015

Minjae Lee (Greno)

Another artist that I've been following for a long time is Minjae Lee. I even once created a large chalk mural of one of his pieces. I think his use of design combined with portraiture is really compelling, and was a HUGE inspiration for my work around 3 years ago. The detail level is insane ! More images if you read down bellow. Definitely worth a look! 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Jeremy Geddes

 Next in my series on artists who inspire me is one of my favorite painters if not my favorite painter is Jeremy Geddes. He is able to create perfect realism with seemingly no references. He also has a bloodspot! I think in terms of skill he is probably the most skilled painter alive. I would count myself very lucky if I was ever able to achieve this level of proficiency. He is a constant inspiration and if you don't know about him look bellow and get your mind blown. Seriously. Go look.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Erik Jones

Erik Jones is another artist that I've been following for a really long time. I'm really interested in a combination between abstract and realism. I've always wanted to incorporate more abstract images into my work but it's very intimidating. Recently Erik Jones has been combining sculptural elements into his paintings which I've also been working towards. Except Jones is managing it much more successfully than me!

This image on the left is the first piece of Erik Jones' work that I ever saw and I was instantly in love.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tahiti Pehrson

Recently I've become very interested in paper cuts.I have some larger scale paper cut projects I'm hoping to make over the summer. When i was looking at different artists the one that came out on top for me was Tahiti Pehrson. She creates great large scale paper cuts that include interactions with light and are also impressively detailed. The way the shadows mix with the monochromatic paper is an awesome combination. Pehrson also has a great eye for very mathematical looking design. I posted some more work down bellow, check it out!

Juz Kitson

For the next installment in artists Erin's currently watching: Here's another bad ass female artist, Juz Kitson. This time its sculpture work. If you saw one of the paintings i finished for my midway, this may look a little familiar. I'm really interested in the forms Kitson creates out of porcelain! I also hope to follow her style more in the future. Anyway her art is super awesome... check it out!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Brendan Monroe

Inspirational artist #3!!! Brendan Monroe creating 3 dimensions with just line! I was really excited to find him because he's using imagery and techniques that I really want to draw on for my own work. I also enjoy his monochromatic color pallets.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Here's some more inspiration to nock your socks off~ Mr. Aryz for you visual pleasure. I've been following his work for a while now, and i'm constantly blown away. Ill post some more art works bellow~!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Allison Sommers

Just wanted to share some of my current inspiration. Here's some Allison Sommers artwork~ She's a total bad ass.